
Create Block Components

how to create your own Nuxt Components to render Gutenberg Blocks

By default every GutenBerg block will be rendered with the WPNuxt component EditorBlock, which is merely outputting the renderedHtml in a p tag:

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { EditorBlock } from '#wpnuxt/blocks'

  block: EditorBlock

  <p v-html="block.renderedHtml" />

Add your own components

WPNuxt allows you to add a Nuxt component to render any Gutenberg block by merely creating a component with the name of the Gutenberg block

Example component to render a CoreButton block using a Nuxt UI button:

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { CoreButton } from '#wpnuxt/blocks'

  block: CoreButton


More examples can be found in the WPnuxt demo

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