Getting Started


Get started with WPNuxt by creating a new project or adding it to an existing Nuxt application.

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Configure Wordpress

First set up WordPress as a headless CMS, by installing these 3 plugins:

If you want to set up dynamic routes in Nuxt to match the WordPress slugs, then set the WordPress permalinks to postname.

WPGraphQL settings

  • enable introspection

Faust plugin

  • set the front-end site url
  • copy the secret key
  • depending on how you're going to handle image url's in Nuxt, you might have to enable "Use the WordPress domain for media URLs in post content"

Add WPNuxt Core to your Nuxt app

Install the module to your Nuxt application with one command:

npx nuxi module add @wpnuxt/core

Configure WPNuxt

Connect WPNuxt to your wordpress installation in your nuxt.config.ts:

wpNuxt: {
    wordpressUrl: ''

Include the protocol.

When you start Nuxt after adding the WPNuxt module, it might ask whether you want to install the @nuxt/image package:

 Do you want to install @nuxt/image package?
 Yes / No

More information about how to handle wordpress media: images

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